Lifestyle Habits That Increase Bad Cholesterol
- Dietary habits
- Leading a sedentary lifestyle
- Family history/genetics
- Unhealthy weight
- Alcohol consumption
- Smoking
- Stress
- Sex and age
High cholesterol is an abnormal condition where the LDL levels in our body are increased beyond its safe level. The increased LDL may eventually form a plaque on the wall of our arteries and leads to cardiovascular disease.
Cholesterol is naturally secreted by our liver which aids in our cellular activities. In addition, the body needs it for bile formation, hormone production, and formation of cell membrane. Unfortunately, the problem arises when our body absorbs too much cholesterol and loses its ability to synthesize and utilize it properly. Eventually, it results in the risk of arteriosclerosis. At certain points of life, it might lead to heart attack, liver disease, and other issues that may reduce quality of life. People do tend to ignore high cholesterol and aren’t aware of the things that could trigger an increase in their levels. This is why we want to dedicate our space to lifestyle habits that may increase “bad cholesterol.”
- Dietary habits
Our dietary habits are directly related to the cholesterol levels in our body. Eating fatty foods or processed foods eventually influences our cholesterol level. These foods are classified as saturated fats foods, high cholesterol foods and Trans fat foods as well.
High saturated fat foods are foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oils, especially palm and coconut oils, found in baked goods, deep-fried, and processed foods. Eating foods containing high level of cholesterol such as eggs, red meat, lard and shrimps eventually increases blood cholesterol levels especially when combined with food that are high in saturated fat.
It is important to review your diet and identify any foods that can increase the amount of this lipid in your bloodstream. In return, you may increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and essential amino acids. This type may include foods such as salmon, avocado, olive oil, flaxseed, walnut and more.
- Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Physical inactivity is also a main reason for increased blood cholesterol level. When you’re living a sedentary lifestyle or not active, the body loses its ability to transform sources of fat into energy and causing them to be retained. Exercise helps us maintain a healthy weight, and keeps our heart healthy. According to studies, regular exercise also raises good HDL cholesterol and lowers your triglycerides, which is a type of risk factor for heart disease.
Regular physical activity at least 30 minute a day, will help to control this lipid. Cardiovascular exercise such as walking or biking can help to reduce cholesterol considerably.
- Family history
In addition, family history or genetic background is also one of the factor that should be kept in mind. A person who has family members who have suffered from this disorder has more than double risk of having it at themselves at some point in their life. Some people are genetically predisposed to having high levels of cholesterol. A variety of minor genetic defects can lead to decreased capacity of LDL removal or excessive production of LDLs.
This tendency towards high cholesterol level is often passed from parents to their children. For this reason, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle at an early age. Try to limit intake of cholesterol-heavy foods as possible. A regular medical checkup will do as well to check on triglycerides level in body.
- Unhealthy weight
People who are overweight or obese likely to have high blood cholesterol levels. They also tend to higher LDL level compared to HDL. The buildup of fat in the body decreases the ability to eliminate the lipid from arteries. Thus, it increases the tendency of plaque to form. That’s why monitoring body weight is essential to maintain a healthy weight. Reducing at least 10% of our body mass index can help to prevent severe cardiovascular disorders.
- Alcohol consumption
Chronic drinking may the effect on LDL in which it may increases the LDL level and decreases the effect of HDL. Moreover, heavy drinking can raise blood pressure, increase cardiomyopathy, stroke, cancer and other disease. It eventually contributes to high triglycerides and produce irregular heartbeats.
- Smoking
Smoking causes high blood pressure and high blood pressure causes damage to our arteries. When our arteries have a scar, LDL cholesterol settles into the damaged areas as do the white blood cell. According to American Heart Association, this causes the likelihood of blood clotting. The blood clot eventually causes a heart attack and stroke.
- Stress
Poor stress management can potentially become a cause for high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Stress affects our emotional health as well as can affect the natural processes of removing lipids from arteries. In addition, people who suffer from stress are more likely to choose unhealthy foods to counteract the negative mental impact.
It’s important to adapt relaxation technique where stress can be avoided. Breathing exercise are one of it too. In addition, you should consider on choosing healthy foods that promote mental well-being. Through this, you are improving your moods and preventing the increase of the harmful lipid.
- Sex and age
Men tend to have higher LDL levels and lower HDL compared to woman, especially before the age 50. After 50, the woman is in their post-menopausal years, in the edge of decreasing amounts of estrogen which thought to cause LDL level to rise.
The blood levels of cholesterol tend to increase as we age and it’s a factor that doctor consider when deciding treatment options for patients with certain cholesterol levels.
Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce risk of chronic diseases and promote overall. Yet it is hard to get all the right nutrition from food alone. That is why supplements were added as part of diet.
Did you know there is a supplement called CRYPTO PPARs which is certified to lower blood glucose, certified to lower LDL cholesterol levels, and to lower triglyceride level?The component in the supplement called PPARs are capable of all these functions and even more. There are more than 100 000 medical journals of study on PPARs around the world.
As for triglyceride functional, the agonist PPARs regulate lipoprotein metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, glucose homeostasis, and inflammation and therefore are used as anti-diabetic drugs for treatment of dyslipidemia and insulin insistence. Recent studies have shown that activation of PPARs alters bile acid synthesis, conjugation and transport and also cholesterol synthesis, absorption and reverse cholesterol transport.